Everything about Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour: Estadio Santiago Bernabéu - NEWS

Everything about Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour: Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

Everything about Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour: Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

We are sadly recording some of the last moments of the Eras Tour, as Taylor Swift is set to round up the world tour this year’s December, which has shaken the world.

The tour which started in 2023 has been nothing less than amazing, and wonderful. Taylor Swift has taken her time to showcase her greatness in details that are represented by 10 different musical eras which collectively make up the Eras Tour set-list.

One of the things we will miss from the Eras Tour is how Taylor presents each of her eras. The 34-year-old singer has gone above and beyond to ensure that the Eras Tour remains the most talked about musical tour for years to come, making it the highest-grossing tour of 2023, and arguably 2024.

Even though we know that the success recorded in the Eras Tour is a result of the dedication of Taylor Swift and her touring team, we feel that some part of this success is also attributed to her fans, Swifties, who have been supportive of their idol, Taylor Swift, ever since she announced her plans to embark on the Eras Tour.

Taylor Swift has also acknowledged the support of her fans, Swifties. It became clear that she had them at heart after she decided to add more dates to the Eras Tour, seeing that not many of her fans would have had the chance to see her perform some of her classics, from the initial fixtures of the Eras Tour.

Swifties in Spain also fall in the list of lucky places Taylor Swift will take the Eras Tour before she retires from the tour this year.

The concert will be held on the 29th and 30th of May in Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, which is located in Madrid, Spain. We have outlined everything you need to know about the concert in Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, to help you prepare for the concert, regardless of whether this is your first time attending Taylor Swift’s concert or not.

And, just in case you happen to fall in the category of Swifties who haven’t secured tickets to the concert yet, we also have here a ticket marketplace where you can easily get Taylor Swift Madrid Tickets.

Taylor Swift’s Madrid Concert Schedule

As earlier stated, the Eras Tour concert is scheduled to be held on the 29th and 30th of May. Quite funny how we received news about people mixing and missing the concert dates of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour.

Don’t be like them. Imagine waiting months for the Eras Tour to reach you, and you miss the concert because you marked the wrong dates on the calendar.

What You Can Bring To Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

There are a bunch of things you can bring along to Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour concerts. Some of these things can enhance your entertainment while at Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.

Let’s take a look at them.

Friendship Bracelets

We decided to make this the first on the list because a lot of people seem to forget that the Eras Tour is also about meeting new people and making new friends.

So, don’t forget to bring a customised friendship bracelet to Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, in case the opportunity to make new friends presents itself. If you can’t get a custom friendship bracelet, you can easily get the Eras Tour friendship bracelets at the merch stands.

Personal Cameras

You’ll need something to capture the moments in quality views, and that’s where a small personal camera comes in. Note that your camera should not be a professional one; otherwise, you’ll be denied entrance with it.

Sealed Water Bottle

You can bring along your water, just make sure it is properly sealed, and in a refillable container. Also, make sure it is at most 600ml. There will be refill stations as well.

Phone and Charger

You should not forget to bring along your phone, and also your charger. This will allow you to share your Eras Tour moments while at Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, amidst the concert – and the charger will ensure you don’t miss a beat due to power since the concert lasts 3 hours and more.

A Small Bag

What more, than a small bag to help you carry all the items mentioned above? Make sure your bag is not bigger than an A4. Also, only 1 bag per person.

What You Can’t Bring To Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

Some of the things you can’t bring along to Taylor Swift’s Eras concert at Estadio Santiago Bernabéu are;


Anything that resembles a weapon can deny you access to Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. Anything that can be thrown also falls in this category. Things like metals, hard plastics, cans and or small coolers, including selfie sticks and knives all fall in this category.


Because they are big and can obstruct the view of other concert attendees, Umbrellas are not allowed at Taylor Swift’s concerts. Try to keep things light.

Outside Food

You can’t bring your food to Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. While in the stadium, there will be plenty of food you can eat at the concert with little cash.

Big Signs

Signs are not generally banned from Taylor Swift’s concerts. But, if your sign is bigger than 28 by 45 cm, it’ll be confiscated.

This is because, just like an umbrella, it will block the view of other concert attendees. Also, regardless of the size of your sign, whether it meets the regulated size or not, if it contains political motivations, then you will be escorted out of the concert venue or your sign confiscated as well.

Noise Making Devices

These can be anything from air horns to musical instruments. There will be plenty of music and entertainment in Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. Try to live and enjoy the moment.


Aside from assisting animals, all others are not accepted into the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. Your pets will have to sit this one out, and it is for their safety.

Accessibility At Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

Anyone can access Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. There are different access paths for people who need special care as well.

Also, there are parking spaces allocated for concert attendees. Additional parking spaces are also being considered at the time of writing this article, as the management of Estadio Santiago Bernabéu is looking to partner with some parking companies to provide more parking spaces for concert attendees.

There will be accessible restrooms scattered within Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. You have nothing to worry about while at the concert.

What You Can Eat At Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

There are many five-star restaurants close to Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. But, why go through the stress of going outside the concert to eat, when there are food vendors in Estadio Santiago Bernabéu that are ready to serve you the best meal at your request?

With a little extra cash, you’ll be able to have a wonderful time at Taylor Swift’s concert without missing a beat.

The Best Time To Be At Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

Taylor Swift concerts usually start by 6/7 pm. Estadio Santiago Bernabéu doors are expected to be opened 2/3 hours before that time for checking by concert security and access to the stadium by concert attendees.

Your ability to be there earlier will determine the time you get access to Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, before the main event.

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