Cardi B and sister sued over video showing fight with beachgoers sporting MAGA hat and Trump flag - NEWS

Cardi B and sister sued over video showing fight with beachgoers sporting MAGA hat and Trump flag

Cardi B and her sister are being sued by the three Suffolk County beachgoers who claim video shared by the sisters online branded them “racist” due to their Trump flag and MAGA hat.

Manuel Alarcon, Peter Caliendo and Pauline Caliendo claim in their new lawsuit that they were the real victims in the caught-on-video confrontation they had Sept. 6 with Cardi’s younger sister, Hennessy Carolina Almanzar, at Smith Point beach, which is on the east end of Fire Island.

They claim Hennessy and her girlfriend, Michelle Diaz, illegally parked their Mercedes G6, blocking them in, and that the couple later “edited” their confrontation to omit that detail.

Video of the incident on Hennessy’s Instagram.

In the video still up on Cardi B’s Twitter account Tuesday, Alarcon is wearing his red MAGA hat while Peter Caliendo is heard telling the couple to “move your vehicle out of here.”

“My sister can’t go to the beach in the Hampton’s wit out trump supporters harassing cause they were by themselves & Santa Claus was harassing my sis GF all because they are a Afro/Hispanic gay couple,” Cardi B captioned the video she tweeted Sept. 6.

The new lawsuit filed in Suffolk County Supreme Court includes claims of assault and battery against Hennessy for the actual confrontation and claims of defamation and libel against Hennessy, Cardi B and Diaz for allegedly publishing the blistering blowout on “the electronic internet.”

Reps for Cardi B and Hennessy did not immediately respond to requests for comment from the Daily News on Tuesday.

The lawsuit confirms that Alarcon was the individual wearing the red “Make America Great Again” hat and states that the plaintiffs also were displaying a “Trump flag and flag honoring police.”

The lawsuit bases its assault and battery claims on the assertion Hennessy was only a few feet away from the plaintiffs when she allegedly “sprayed her copious spittle” on them “as she raged” at them while using “foul and intimidating language.”

“Hennessy Carolina knew or should have known that her spraying of spittle upon plaintiffs at a time when COVID-19 virus infection was a nationwide threat to all persons in the U.S. was assaulting, threatening and intimidating,” it says.

The filing claims the way the video was shared online exposes the plaintiffs to “public contempt, ridicule and disgrace.”

The lawsuit filed Monday is asking for real and punitive damages to be decided at trial.

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